Thursday, November 17, 2011

ehhhh ...

I am completely fed up with everyone. Here's the thing, I grew up. I left behind all of the drama, all of the bullshit and all of the stuff that brings you down in the long run. I have lived a fairly decent life for the past almost, two years. I haven't had to deal with any drama and any bullshit. If anyone had a problem with me, they came to me privately instead of running their mouth, no one intentionally tried to screw up my life, and I figured that maybe everyone else was growing up as well.
I'm not going to lower myself to anyones level, regardless of how badly others hurt me, I'm not going to lower myself to that and hurt them back. I just can't see why someone would completely make up a story about someone, just to sit back and watch you burn? How do you live with yourself knowing that you made up an elaborate story about someone, and something that never happened and cause pain to not just one person, but two people? What honestly posses someone to do something that dirty and immature?

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