Monday, December 12, 2011

Teensy Tiny Whores

Everytime I look over at the "People You May Know" on Facebook it's a bunch of high school girls posing half naked with drinks in their hands. On what planet is this acceptable? Most of these kids are actually friends with their parents on Facebook, so the parent's can't act oblivious to the face that this is going on.
When I was 16 I wasn't an angel, by any means, but I sure as hell wasn't screwing guys, drinking, and taking half naked pictures of myself to post on the internet. It doesn't make these girls look cute, or cool, it makes them look like they're lacking the proper parenting to grow into fully functional adults. You are NOT an adult at 16, 17 years old. I hate to break that to some of these kids, but you're just not. Granted, when I was 16 there were a few girls I knew who acted like these kids do, and they ended up miserable with life. You think you're having all the fun until reality sets in.
I can honestly say if I had a 16 year old daughter and she was acting like that, I'd knock some sense into her ignorant little head, not sit around and condone her actions. I think the older I get the more I sound like my mother ... frightening, but maybe she was right all along!


My dad had his car towed over to John Howard this morning, which means my Subaru can FINALLY get out of the garage! I haven't driven my car in almost 3 days, I know she's eager to get out again! (:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bullshiting through Boredom

I could sit here and bullshit an entire blog about love, and how it fucked me up and how afraid of commitment I am now OR I could just be mature about it and say that I've only learned, positive things, from every single thing I've gone through.
I'll choose the mature approach because I have learned a lot from the experiences I've been through. I can't stand when girls make a big deal out of a break up, or a guy cheating on her. If you have to post it on facebook, even as one of those bullshit subliminal messages through song lyrics posted as your status, you probably need to look in the mirror, smack yourself & grow the hell up. Life's rough & you realistically have years to find someone to spend your life with, so LIVE in the moment, DO what you FEEL and above all BE HAPPY with the life that you're living and the lessons you've learned from it.
I'm not asking to fall in love ; I just want to fall in "happy" with someone ...

Friday, December 2, 2011

I follow my old Twitter on my new one because sometimes, it inspires me to go back and read all of the things I posted and everything I went through.
I sound so immature and childish in all of my posts. It's hard to believe that I grew up so much since then. It's almost embarrassing to read the things I used to say! It's also sad when I read how heartbroken, happy, up and down and in between I was. I won't lie, it provoked a few tears. It's not like I ever really forgot the things I went trough, because they made me who I am but I more or less put them to the back of my mind.
Well, that was emotionally exhausting ... time for bed!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

ehhhh ...

I am completely fed up with everyone. Here's the thing, I grew up. I left behind all of the drama, all of the bullshit and all of the stuff that brings you down in the long run. I have lived a fairly decent life for the past almost, two years. I haven't had to deal with any drama and any bullshit. If anyone had a problem with me, they came to me privately instead of running their mouth, no one intentionally tried to screw up my life, and I figured that maybe everyone else was growing up as well.
I'm not going to lower myself to anyones level, regardless of how badly others hurt me, I'm not going to lower myself to that and hurt them back. I just can't see why someone would completely make up a story about someone, just to sit back and watch you burn? How do you live with yourself knowing that you made up an elaborate story about someone, and something that never happened and cause pain to not just one person, but two people? What honestly posses someone to do something that dirty and immature?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

LasciarMi Vive ...

I'm pretty sure I couldn't be more sick of the bullshit that's been occuring in my life. I just wish people could let me live. It's crazy how people you legitimately trust will sell you out to the lowest bidder, even crazier when they make up lies just to hurt you and cause you trouble. Jealousy isn't cute. Some of us grew up. I'll admit to being one of the most immature, dramatic, bitches around this town ... and then I grew up. I honestly feel bad about more than half of the things I did to people, or said about people. It's funny how I turn over a new leaf, and more mature leaf and all of a sudden everyone wants a piece, everyone wants to destroy me, break me down and try to get me to lose control. Here's some news ; I won't give up, I won't give in, and I will NEVER give up on trying to live a peaceful, happy and fullfilling life.
If you have problems with me, just let me know, don't sit there spreading rumors and talking crap over fb .. grow some balls. I graduated high school years ago, and with that, I expected to leave the drama behind. Drama is for children. It's childish, it's hurtful and it's wrong. Get a grip, does it really make you feel better to make up a bunch of bull about someone and watch it hurt them? does that honestly feel good? if it does you're probably a pretty sick person and you should probably get some help.
I wish I knew exactly what it was that made me see things in a new light, but I wouldn't go back to my old ways if someone paid me. I wanted to grow up and I guess in reality you have to WANT to be an adult before you can be one.

<3 -Dena.

Friday, September 2, 2011


I guess you could say that today was the day I hit my breaking point. I thought that working at "said daycare" was going to be a wonderful experience, and it was.. up until the replaced my lead teacher.
They gave me this awful, full of herself, annoying bitch. This woman had issues with me from the second she walked in that door. I really do try to give everyone a fair chance, and I gave her one. It isn't my fault that she is an absolute wreck of an individual. Her SECOND day there, she FORBIDS me to pick up a child, a 3 month old, mind you. I'm of course in shock about this, why would you not pick up a crying infant? Her excuse? "she needs to get used to not being held." really? she's 3 months old? what else is she going to do aside from being held?
I went about my day, trying to forget about the vents and blame it on her being new .. and then she comes up to me and not only tells me to "say something to her face" but proceeds to call me a "smart alec". NOW she has gotten on my bad side. I kept on trying to deal with her, and keep my emotions in.. even though she was an absolute nut job. She'd forget to change diapers for HOURS then yell at ME for missing one kid in 1 hour? I did DAMN NEAR everything in that room .. but she claimed she did everything, and I did nothing (She's obviously DELUSIONAL as well as lazy!).
I went in yesterday, and the woman PULLS a kid out of my arms, roughly, not nicely. I went about changing the childs diaper, and playing with her on the floor for tummy time when she goes off .. again, as usual (all this woman does is BITCH!) she told me that there were 7 other kids in the room besides "said child", I told her I understood that, but the others were older and playing nicely amoughst each other... when she goes on about saying shit to her face again, and calling me names.
I literally lost it, she said she was turning me in? for what!? So I left, and went straight to the directors office to straighten this out and what happens? the bitch LIES out her HUGE NASTY ASS (I'm sure her being BFF with the director helped!) Ends up with me basically losing my position as assistant teacher and becoming a floater (fuck that!) I won't be punished for someone else's poor behavior and lack of respect.
I couldn't bring myself to even go back today ... I basically, quit. I don't deserve this and I most definitely don't get paid enough to deal with this! I spent the rest of the afternoon looking for a job on an ambulance... which I what I need! I need to get away from these uneducated women, these ignorant bitches and all the drama. I need to do what I went to school for!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Followed!

Tonight was pretty eventful. I turn off of 705 and driving through town when I end up at this man going 10. I'm not even exaggerating, the man was going 10. I'm keeping as much distance as possible, when he's freaking inching through town, and the idiot tries to break check me. A) my brakes are touchy as hell and B) I wasn't even close to him, so I could stop when he did. Eventually, we got downtown, and I pulled out into the far lane, and passed him. A normal person, driving that slow, should expect someone to pass them, but NO this dick starts high beaming the hell out of me and following me.
I pulled into BP and he tries to block my car in and seriously just dead stares at me. I somehow manage to get out, and he's trying to block me from getting out at BP. I legitimately had to drive all the way back through town, just to get rid of this ass. You know you have major problems who you follow a young girl through town, and block her into a gas station, all because she passed you while you're doing 10. I'm sorry, but my car can't even drift at 10. I had to brake the entire ride into town. I value my brakes a little more than that. who drives on their brake? granted he was like 65, but I think that makes this all worse. a 65 year old man following a 20 year old? The police would've loved that one... what does it look like when you're following a young girl?
Whoever you are sir, get the hell over yourself, learn how to drive, and don't follow young girls around town.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do's & Don'ts of Childcare

Here's some advice to daycare employees, obviously, uneducated when it comes to childcare:
1. You're 3 year old, is not a valid source of info. Don't punish a kid cause yours said he did something. 3 year olds? lie.

2. If a kid is in a box, pretending, it's something else, don't tell him the box is "not a house, not a boat, not a rocket, not a car" you do realize you're destroying his imagination right?

3. Stop labeling kids "bad". Get on their level and understand them before you give up on them.

4. What's a time out? Oh, something you're not allowed to give in day care so maybe you need to review your policy manual.

5. "binky free room" hey, guess what? you're not that childs parent and you don't get to decide when to ween them from their binky.

6. change some diapers when you're supposed to and don't make kids run around soaked down to their knees.

7. Don't grab a child and throw him around and scream at him just because you're off camera.

- I'm sure I'll add more to this list in the very near future- (:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year; New Resolutions

I guess I should start on these New Years Resolutions since it's already the 2nd of January :o

here we go:

1. successfully complete my EMT written test so I can start doing the job I want to be doing.

2. Move out of my house. 20 years of this madness is ENOUGH!

3. Get my Subaru STi ... or if I'm still afraid It'll take too long to figure out how to drive it, my Subaru WRX Automatic.

4. Stop having such a potty mouth!

5. Cut back on the Energy Drinks. I know, somehow, they're slowly killing me. lol

6. Get my two main WoW characters to level 85.

7. Steer clear of any drama. If any of it comes darting at me ... I'm running the other way!

8. "I will not dwell in the past, or, obsess over the future. I will live in the present"

9. Forgive & Forget.

10. Make 2011 the best year for me, yet. Live every day like it's my last. Give everyone a fair chance & help those who need me. <3